Our Focus

Dignosco’s ELP (Experiential Learning Program) gives its students different learning experiences to broaden their horizons. Our students have pursued their interests, unlocking the world, understanding its people and finding themselves along the way.

Our focus is on the different learning experiences we give to our students from the Himalayas, to the azure blue waters of the Arabian Sea, trekking across Gilgit Baltistan and diving under the sea to experience diverse marine life. We travel with you countless miles across oceans, off beaten paths and into ancient cultures to give you an experience of a lifetime and something that makes you learn and rediscover yourself. Our trips are designed to engage with local communities and to learn from the immense learning opportunities that nature presents to us.

Our ELP team consists of field and research experts who are adventure enthusiasts and collaborate with local and foreign institutions to ensure that you are well looked after. You come alone, but leave with incredible friends and the knowledge that life’s possibilities are limitless.


Ecotourism aims to minimize tourism’s negative impacts on the environment and maximize the positive contributions tourism can make to local communities. If left unchecked, large-scale tourism development can damage ecosystems, pollute environments and exploit local communities. The ELP team contributes to ecotourism and the development of the northern areas of Pakistan in the form of cleaning, plantation, supporting the protection of natural areas and wildlife conservation, generating economic benefits for host communities, organizations and authorities managing natural areas with conservation purposes.



Learn this Olympic sport in alpine style on a marked piste, graded in colours according to difficulty and steepness with green and blue for easy. As a beginner use a path monitored by instructors and prepared by piste machines that flatten snow to avoid sinking. In cross country style, pistes change gradient, have bumps, go around corners, or even slant.


Rock Climbing

Accidents are more likely to happen on the descent so avoid climbing down a natural rock formation. In free climbing, you only use gear for protection and not upward movement. To climb is a tug of war between the forces of gravity and friction which is crucial to the belay process while anchors connect the climber to the wall via the rope and the harness.



It is a long journey on foot in the wilderness, often on historic paths across rivers, glaciers, and forests connecting valleys in the mountains. It not only requires packing and equipment for travel over many days but also technique against altitude, adverse weather or terrain. It is strongly advisable to join groups and to recruit local porters.



Navigating over fast-flowing white rivers running over rocks and through tight gorges can become addictive. This recreational team sport has 6 grades of difficulty; first 3 only require basic paddling skill, but higher grades can be very dangerous and require mastery while the highest grade is literally not safe often resulting in serious injuries despite mastery.


Scuba Diving

Safety of diving in the ocean depends on environment, equipment, behaviour of individual diver and the team. Dive with a PADI certified instructor to explore life under the sea not suited to human body so you learn the Physics, get licensed and earn academic credits. In open water team communication and common goals determine dive performance.


Deep Sea Fishing

Whether it’s the dramatic thrill of the hunt or the constant heave of the ocean, deep-sea fishing over intercontinental plates or in darkness below the sunlit surface water to catch a big game fish like Marlin not only requires knowledge of the environment, and a good boat, but also great technique and muscle numbing work once a fish is hooked.


Pakistan contains a diverse topography of geographical features and is home to incredibly diverse flora and fauna. Over the last century, lack of understanding and awareness has led to human practices that have exploited the country’s natural resources without replenishing them. A growing population and increasing infrastructure needs have also led to the decimation of animal habitats and forests, and resulted in loss and endangerment of animal and plant species only found in Pakistan.

Our ELP team undergo various activities that include an in-depth study of endangered species and what steps have been taken by various organizations to conserve the extinct wildlife in Pakistan. As a part of our experiential learning program, our field experts, in collaboration with  development sectors in Pakistan, create awareness about the role of extinct species in the fragile mountain, forest and marine ecosystem, human-wildlife conflict and the need for wildlife conservation efforts among students & young professionals based in urban centers like Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad. This collaboration aims to inculcate love for nature and the outdoors among the youth and raise funds.


Common Leopard

Adapted to the moist, temperate forests, the Common Leopard has nine sub-species and is also known as ‘Panthera Pardus’. Their population distribution ranges across Margalla Hills National Park, Murree Reserve Forest, Ayubia National Park (KP), as well as Azad Jammu and Kashmir, with occasional reports from the desert areas of Punjab. These solitary cats  are nocturnal, and the local communities sometimes come into conflict with this majestic predator. The Common Leopard attacks livestock due to the decline of its natural prey, and because of humans encroaching upon its territory.


Snow Leopard

These majestic cats survive at extreme altitudes; their extra-large paws are like natural snow shoes while their extra long tail not only provides extra warmth when wrapped around the body but also provides balance across extreme terrain in remote mountains of Central Asia across Afghanistan, China, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Myanmar, Russia, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan where it is considered a sacred animal. This endangered species is not only the top predator but also a health indicator of its high altitude habitat threatened by reduction of prey and habitat, poaching, retaliation killing and illegal trade.

Indus Blind Dolphin

This endangered species is the sole living representative of its ancient lineage in the order Cetartiodactyla and is localized to Indus, Ganges and other river systems of South Asia. Locally known as ‘Bhulan’, it dwells in fresh and murky waters and serves as a health indicator of the ecology and environment of the adjoining delta areas. Its range along the Indus has shrunk by two thirds over centuries to about 1200 km and it feeds primarily on fish through echolocation as it is functionally blind although it is able to swim in waters as shallow as 30 cm due to its ability to swim sideways.

Himalayan Brown Bear

Hailing from one of the ancient Brown Bear lineages, this large animal is one of 8 global bear species with small eyes, stocky limbs and a big head. It is extremely rare to sight even in its own range of habitat that is primarily the Himalayas. An omnivorous by diet, many locals argue that this species is mostly vegetarian and its primary source of protein is the Marmot population. Deosai National Park maintains a growing population, demarcating marshy habitat areas for them, to help minimize the human-carnivore conflict.

Punjab Urial

Found in western central Asia and particularly the Punjab region of Pakistan, it has a restricted distribution range across the Salt and Kala Chitta Mountain ranges. The population of the Punjab Urial is quite threatened and has undergone a serious decline across most of their historic range recently. By the early 2000’s, the greatest concentration was within the Salt Range, near the River Indus. The Punjab Urial is sexually dimorphic; male Urials have large horns, curling outwards from the top of the head and turning in to end behind the head. The females have shorter and more compressed horns.


Blackbucks are native to India and Pakistan, found in plains and open woodlands; western deserts and northern mountains. In Pakistan the blackbucks live in semi-desert areas, such as Cholistan and Thar. However, extensive hunting and habitat destruction have restricted blackbuck to only small, isolated populations in their former native habitat.


These wild goats from the endangered Caprinae family with spiraled, twisting horns that are straight or flaring live in scattered populations till 3600 meters across shrub forests of oak, pine and juniper in the arid regions of the western Himalayas. It is Pakistan’s national animal and an incredible climber, scaling cliffs with ease and climbing trees o forage on leaves. They breed annually, pregnancy lasts for 4 to 6 months and weaning occurs at 5 months. They also clean their habitat of any snakes and derives its name from Persian words mar for snake and Khor for eater. As they age, they are preyed by Snow Leopards and Wild Foxes.

White-backed Vulture

The white-backed vulture is a typical vulture, with only down feathers on the head and neck, very broad wings and short tail feathers. It has a white neck ruff. Occurs mostly in plains and less frequently in hilly regions. In Pakistan, the white-backed vultures are confined to the Nagar Parkar area in Sindh only and this is considered the last stronghold of this species. Vultures are ecologically important because they consume dead animals and clean the environment. They can digest meat in any stage of decay, and withstand diseases that would kill any other creature.

Green Turtle

They are the largest species amongst the hard-shelled sea turtles, found on the beaches of Pakistan, namely Hawks Bay and Sandspit near Karachi, and on the coastal areas of the Makran coast. Feeding on seaweed, a large population of Green turtles migrates to coastal areas, which are typically predator-free so they can lay their eggs and have rich feeding grounds. Local authorities are seeking to ensure safety for turtle hatchlings by removing ghost nest that trap them on the seabed. Approximately 95% of the Balochistan coast comprises of isolated beaches, waiting to become turtle sanctuaries.

Sindh Ibex

These wild goats from the endangered Caprinae family with spiraled, twisting horns that are straight or flaring live in scattered populations till 3600 meters across shrub forests of oak, pine and juniper in the arid regions of the western Himalayas. It is Pakistan’s national animal and an incredible climber, scaling cliffs with ease and climbing trees o forage on leaves. They breed annually, pregnancy lasts for 4 to 6 months and weaning occurs at 5 months.

Flying Squirrel

Presumed to be extinct for decades, the rare flying squirrel species has unexpectedly resurfaced in Northern Pakistan. Spotted by local communities across the Hindu Kush, the karakorams and the Himalayas, this squirrel feeds on Pine, Juniper Needles and Spruce trees and prefers living in cliffs and caves. Leaving its sanctuary at night, the almost instinct Woolly Squirrel maybe the world’s largest glider but still falls prey to owls and foxes; deforestation however is a much bigger problem.

Marsh Crocodile

Found in small populations across rivers in Balochistan and the main wetlands of Sindh, its habitant preferences range from rivers, reservoirs, ponds, lakes and even man-made tanks and salt water lagoons. The crocodile is measured at an average length of 4-6 meters. Reportedly extinct in Punjab due to agricultural expansion, the population of the species is also decreasing generally due to threat by illegal poaching for meat and skin, and medicinal extracts from different body parts.

